This National Science Foundation award provides support for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences Conference "Harmonic Analysis: Smooth and Non-smooth" to be held at Iowa State University on June 4-8, 2018. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in understanding the harmonic analysis of non-smooth geometries that are unlike the familiar smooth Euclidean geometry, such as when nearby points are not locally connected to each other. Real-world examples in which these types of geometry appear include large computer networks, relationships in datasets, and fractal structures such as those found in crystalline substances, light scattering, and other natural phenomena where dynamical systems are present. The proposed conference will consist of a series of ten lectures by Professor Palle Jorgensen from the University of Iowa, a leader in the fields of smooth and non-smooth harmonic analysis, who will in the course of the conference demonstrate the surprising connections between the two domains. The conference aims to bring both experienced and new researchers together to stimulate collaboration on this timely topic. The broader impacts of the conference include the advancement of underrepresented minorities within mathematics and the development of a globally competitive STEM workforce. Approximately thirty participants will be supported, many of whom will be current graduate students. The conference will contribute to those graduate students' educational and professional development and hence prepare the nation's next generation of researchers to engage this increasingly important subject area.
Smooth and Non-Smooth Harmonic Analysis
Funding Organization:
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